
A well-rounded flash briefing in your inbox every Sunday.


The world changes quickly. News is highly editorialized and personalized, social media is full of memes and ads, and it’s difficult to know what’s actually new and important. What’s everyone is going to be talking about, watching, playing, and doing tomorrow?

The fear of missing out is real. Smartphones have made it super easy to stay plugged in 24/7, waiting for something… anything… to happen. It’s not healthy, productive, or fun. But what’s the alternative? Being the digital hermit who still hasn’t seen Westworld? I mean, come on, it’s the best show since Game of Thrones. Did you get tickets for Hamilton yet?

Introducing Fomo: the little newsletter about all the big things.

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* Fomo costs money because we have expenses like our domain, MailChimp, and feeding our hungry curators. This is a side project for all of us but, from experience, it’s hard to get motivated to continue putting time in when you’re constantly sinking a few bucks here and there… it’s like a hole. For the price of four cups of Philz coffee, you get 52 weeks of emails that we hope will help you become more cultured, more aware of new and interesting media, and help you connect with friends and family in the real world instead of online. Might be worth a shot?

Allbirds, Midnight Special, You’re Welcome, Vinyl Me Please – your flash briefing

From: Fomo <>

To: Cool Person <>